Exercises that will guarantee Ripped 6 Pack Abs
Exercises that will guarantee Ripped 6 Pack Abs
Of course, there are prerequisites.
First of all, you must be able to do the six exercises mentioned below correctly, complete the number of sets of the exercises as required.
Second, the male body fat rate shall not exceed 20%, female body fat rate shall not exceed 25%. Even if the body fat rate does not meet the requirements, you just need to carry out at least 30 minutes of aerobic exercise, such as jogging, skipping, etc., after the completion of these six exercises after training.
Finally, it is the persistence that counts. You need to keep doing these for at least 2 months, and repeat them daily.
If you meet the above requirements, you will be guaranteed to have ripped abs in 2 months!
The six exercises are illustrated below. It is one of the most effective way for the waist and abdomen core muscle exercise. You keep doing this every day for 2 months, a ripped 6-pack abs is definitely not a dream!
Action 1: flat support points around the hip 20-30 times
Action 2: straight arm bracing alternately around the knee about 20-30 times
Action 3: flat support before and after the move before and after the 20-30 times
Action 4: straight arm brackets alternately cross around the knee about 20-30 times
Action 5: straight arm overlooking the knee jump 20-30 times
Action 6: single arm support sideways around the hip about 15-20 times
Note: This action is more difficult, please adjust according to your own capability.
The whole set of actions can be repeated for 3-5 cycles, according to your own training level. There should be 1-2 minutes break between each action.